Monday, June 15, 2015

Reading through Romans-One man, one sin

romans 5_18 title
Romans 5:18 "Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life."
One man's offense … one Man's righteous act: From this passage, Adam and Jesus are sometimes known as the two men. Between them they represent of all humanity, and everyone is identified in either Adam or Jesus. We are born identified with Adam; we may be born again into identification with Jesus.
Someone may object: "But I never chose to have Adam represent me." Of course you did! You identified yourself with Adam with the first sin you ever committed. It is absolutely true that we were born into our identification with Adam, but we also choose it with our individual acts of sin.
Resulting in condemnation … resulting in justification: The outcome of this election - choosing Adam or Jesus - means everything. If we choose Adam we receive judgment and condemnation. If we choose Jesus we receive a free gift of God's grace and justification.
The free gift came to all men: Does this mean that all men are justified by the free gift? Without making a personal choice, every person received the curse of Adam's offense. Is it therefore true that every person, apart from their personal choice, will receive the benefits of Jesus' obedience? Not at all. First, Paul makes it clear that the free gift is not like the offense - they are not identical in their result or application. Second, over three verses Paul calls the work of Jesus a free gift, and he never uses those words to apply to the work of Adam. It is simply the nature of a gift that it must be received by faith. Finally, Paul clearly teaches throughout the New Testament that all are not saved.
The idea that all men are saved by the work of Jesus whether they know it or not is known as universalism. "If the doctrine of universalism is being taught here, Paul would be contradicting himself, for he has already pictured men as perishing because of sin." (Harrison)
Dear Holy God, I stand guilty before you and make the choice for the free gift of Your grace and justification!  Praise be to you!

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