Romans 15:3-4, "For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, "The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me." For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope."
For even Christ did not please Himself: Jesus is the ultimate example of one who did not please Himself, but put others first. Paul's classic development of this idea is in Philippians 2:5-11.
As it is written: As Jesus took abuse and suffered wrong for God's glory, He fulfilled what was written in God's word. Jesus showed by example that for the most part we are entirely too quick to vindicate ourselves, instead of letting God vindicate us. Jesus showed how the Father is well able to vindicate us.
The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me: The commandment Jesus fulfilled from Psalm 69:7 applies to us as well. It was written for our learning, that we might have hope, knowing we are doing what is right even when it is difficult.
When we respond rightly to the reproaches the world casts against us for Jesus' sake, it bothers them even more. It makes them know there isn't anything they can do against a child of God whose eyes are really on Jesus.
An old Christian song goes, "I've got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart" and then goes on to other verses like "I've got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart" and "I got the wonderful love of my Blessed Redeemer down in my heart."
Dear God, Thank you thank you for the peace that is ridiculous in this world! I LOVE you so!!!
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