1 Corinthians 3:2, "I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able."
I fed you with milk: Paul kept his teaching on the basics, even though they had an inflated view of their spirituality. They believed they were ready for the "deeper things," but were not living any deeper in the basic things he had already preached to them!
The difference between milk and solid food is one of degrees, not kind. Every doctrine that can be taught in seminary can be taught to children, though not in the same words.
There are not two gospels, one for the learned and one for the unlearned; there is no part of the gospel that we are authorized to keep back from the people.
You were not able to receive it: It wasn't that God was preventing the Corinthians from receiving the solid food Paul had to give them. The real problem was the Corinthian attraction to spiritual "junk food," based on man's wisdom and eloquence. They were so "filled" with this junk food that they were not able to receive the spiritual solid food Paul wanted to give them.
Dear God, I am so grateful that all of your gospel is simple enough for even children.
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