Saturday, June 6, 2015

Reading through Romans-Peace with God

Romans 5:1-2 "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God."
Therefore, having been justified by faith: To this point in the Book of Romans, Paul has convinced us all that the only way of salvation is to be justified by grace, through faith. Now he will tell us what the practical benefits of this are, explaining that it is more than an interesting idea.
Justified by faith speaks of a legal decree. Romans 1:18-3:20 found us guilty before the courts of God's law, God's glory, and our own conscience. Then Paul explained how because of what Jesus did for us, the righteousness of God is given to all who believe. The guilty sentence is transformed into a sentence of justified, and justified by faith.
First, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Because the price has been paid in full by the work of Jesus on the cross, God's justice towards us is eternally satisfied.
This is not the peace of God spoken of in other places (such as Philippians 4:7). This is peace with God; the battle between God and us is finished - and He won, winning us. Some never knew they were out of peace with God, but they were like drivers ignoring the red lights of a police car in their rear-view mirror - they are in trouble even if they don't know it, and it will soon catch up to them.
This peace can only come through our Lord Jesus Christ. He and His work is our entire ground for peace. In fact, Jesus is our peace. (Ephesians 2:14)
Remember that the Bible doesn't say we have peace with the devil, peace with the world, peace with the flesh, or peace with sin. Life is still a battle for the Christian but it is no longer a battle against God, it is fighting for Him. Some Christians are tempted to believe the battle against God was almost a better place to be, and that is a dangerous and damnable lie.
Into this grace in which we stand: Second, we have a standing in grace - in God's unmerited favor. This grace is given through Jesus and gained by faith.
Grace (God's undeserved favor towards us) is not only the means by which we are saved, it is also a description of our present standing before God. It is not only the beginning principle of the Christian life it is also the continuing principle of the Christian life. "We stand translates a perfect tense, used in this sense of the present, and with the thought of a continuing attitude." (Morris)
Many Christians begin in grace, but then think that they will go on to perfection and maturity by dealing with God on the principle of law - on the ideas of earning and deserving. Paul spoke against this very point in Galatians 3:2-3 and Galatians 5:1-4.
Standing in grace means that:
- I don't have to prove I am worthy of God's love
- God is my friend
- The door of access is permanently open to Him
- I am free from the "score sheet" - the account is settled in Jesus
- I spend more time praising God and less time hating myself
AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!  Dear Lord you grace is good enough for me!!!!

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