Thursday, July 9, 2015

Reading through Romans-New mind in an old body

Romans 7:25 "I thank God; through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin."
I thank God; through Jesus Christ our Lord! Finally, Paul looks outside of himself and unto Jesus. As soon as he looks to Jesus, he has something to thank God for - and he thanks God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Paul uses the metaphor of a split person: there is the real me, and there is sin living in me. There is a struggle between mind and body. He is enslaved to the law of Christ, but he sometimes falls short. He’s got a new mind, but an old body, and he looks forward to all things being made new!
Paul shows that even though the law is glorious and good, it can't save us - and we need a Savior. Paul never found any peace, any praising God until he looked outside of himself and beyond the law to his Savior, Jesus Christ.
You thought the problem was that you didn't know what to do to save yourself - but the law came as a teacher, taught you all what to do and you couldn't do it. You don't need a teacher, you need a Savior.
You thought the problem was that you weren't motivated enough, but the law came in like a coach to encourage you on to do what you need to do and you still didn't do it. You don't need a coach or a motivational speaker, you need a Savior.
You thought the problem was that you didn't know yourself enough - but the law came in like a doctor and perfectly diagnosed your sin problem - but it couldn't heal you. You don't need a doctor, you need a Savior.
Thank you Dear God for showing me my sin through the law and saving me from eternal separation from you by sending the One and Only Perfect Savior!! 

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