Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Reading through Romansthe wretch I am

Romans 7:24 "O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?"
O wretched man that I am! The ancient Greek word wretched is more literally, "Wretched through the exhaustion of hard labor." Paul is completely worn out and wretched because of his unsuccessful effort to please God under the principle of Law.
"It is worth bearing in mind that the great saints through the ages do not commonly say, 'How good I am!' Rather, they are apt to bewail their sinfulness." (Morris)
Legalism always brings a person face to face with their own wretchedness, and if they continue in legalism, they will react in one of two ways. Either they will deny their wretchedness and become self-righteous Pharisees, or they will despair because of their wretchedness and give up following after God.
Your desire must go beyond a vague hope to be better. You must cry out against yourself and cry out unto God with the same desperation Paul did.
Who will deliver me: Paul's perspective finally turns to something (actually, someone) outside of himself. Paul has referred to himself some 40 times since Romans 7:13. In the pit of Paul's unsuccessful struggle against sin, he became entirely self-focused and self-obsessed. This is the place of any believer living under law, who looks to self and personal performance rather than looking first to Jesus.  The words "Who will deliver me" show that Paul has given up on himself, and asks "Who will deliver me?" Instead of "How will I deliver myself?"
Who will deliver me from this body of death? When Paul describes this body of death, some commentators see a reference to ancient kings who tormented their prisoners by shackling them to decomposing corpses. Paul longs to be cut free from the wretched body of death clinging to him. Body has been taken to means mass and body of death the whole mass of sin. Hence what Paul longs to be delivered from all his sin in all its aspects and consequences."
Dear Holy God, o wretched woman am I as well!  My sins are infinite and I bow before you daily knowing of the death and separation from you that I deserve as a result.  I praise your holiness!

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