Friday, May 22, 2015

Reading through Romans-Nothing for me to boast about

"Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith."
Where is boasting then? It shouldn't be anywhere. Because we are justified freely by His grace, there is no room for self-congratulation or credit.
By what law? Boasting and pride isn't excluded because there is some specific passage in the law against it. Instead, pride is excluded because it is completely incompatible with the salvation that is freely ours though faith. Boasting is excluded by the law of faith.
No room for boasting! This, of course, is why the natural man hates being justified freely by His grace; it absolutely refuses to recognize his (imagined) merits and gives no place to his pride whatsoever.
Dear God, thank you for freely saving me through faith and not the law.  And thank you for insisting that there is no room for credit for anything I can me to boast in your works on my behalf instead!

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