Thursday, July 30, 2015

Reading through Romans-There is no condemnation!!!

Romans 8:33-34  “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies.”
Although you may feel condemned from time to time, God’s love for you is timeless and He will never condemn you. Paul writes in 8:33, “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies.” This is a rhetorical question, equivalent to an emphatic denial. So the question is: Who would dare “bring a charge against God’s elect?” The answer, of course, is no one. This question is from a courtroom setting. No one can charge you with sin crimes because God has justified you. God has acquitted you and declared you righteous before His perfect justice. If God pronounced this verdict, who can resurrect the charges of wrong doing that would bring you before Him again? There is no double jeopardy in God’s legal system!
As a believer, you can be sure you are eternally secure because there is no sin that has not already been dealt with by Christ. Therefore, if God the Father went to all this work to save you, it is nonsensical to contemplate the remote possibility that you could somehow be lost. If “God is the one who justifies,” who is able to “unjustify” you? Absolutely no one!
Our security is not dependent on our ability to hang on.  Here is an example:  “Jena, will you please hold on to my pinky finger? Do you have a good grip? Will you always be able to hold on to my finger? What happens if you get tired or weak?” Jena responds, “I would lose my grip and fall down.” “That’s right! But since I’m your Dad I’m going to hold your hand and never let you go. Even if you let go of me, even if you stumble and attempt to fall, I’m going to keep you because I am strong and I have made a commitment to you.” I wish I could keep this commitment perfectly, but it’s not possible. However, God is able to hold on to Jena and every other believer. He will hold your hand with an everlasting grasp. If your salvation depends upon your hanging onto God, you are in deep trouble. But you are not going to heaven because you are hanging onto God. You’re going to go to heaven because God is holding onto you.
Dear Gracious and Loving God, Thank you for hanging on to me even when I lose my grip!

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